Thursday, February 20, 2025

BGF NEWS - February, 2025 - VOL. 54, NO. 5

What’s up on the farm?

Precipitation in the past month: Rain: 1.10"
                                                   Snow: 12.00"

Happy frigid afternoon from the farm! It is a balmy 9° as I write this, although the blue sky and bright sunshine are certainly welcome and better yet, warmer weather is on the horizon!

Although this is generally the slow time of the year on the farm, it feels like it's been a fairly active month, both with planned and some unexpected activities.

Early last month we sent out a short survey to our email list to learn more about our customers' experiences. We were delighted with the number of people who took the time to respond and are so very grateful for the thoughtful feedback that folks provided. Know that every word was noted and recorded and will be used for decision-making going forward. If anyone would like to share additional feedback, we are always happy to hear from you.

We are well into seed starting season at this point with new crops being sown weekly. It's rather a guilty pleasure to work in our cozy, grow-room on these cold, snowy days. In addition to our spring crops we've been starting quite a few microgreens for our VegEmail sales. We love having the opportunity to have them added to our meals as much we love growing them. Sadly, because we have very limited nursery space, this is probably the last week that we'll have the shelf space to do micros.  

In addition to seed starting we've mostly finalized our crop maps for the year. The photo on the right is just one of nine plots that are part of our farm's crop rotation. We use spreadsheets to help us manage that rotation throughout the season and year to year. Thank goodness for cut and paste! During the growing season we use both paper and virtual copies of these maps and at the conclusion of the season they are archived so that we have accurate records of our field history. Even though I like to think I'll remember the location of a specific crop year to year, reality has proven that not to be the case.

Another recent activity has been updating our website. I have next to zero web design skills, nor do I have the organizational talent or foresight to do it all at one time. It seems like as soon as I get one update completed, I realize something new needs to be added or changed. Our biggest upgrade last week was getting our BLOOMS subscription page added. If you'd like to know more about our BLOOMS bouquet subscriptions or sign up for the 2025 season, you can now do it from the website at

A number of you who follow us on social media saw that we had a significant failure of one of our water lines last month. The short term solution was simply to shut off water to that part of the farm, including the high tunnels. We were lucky to have the nice warm up in late Jan./early Feb. that enabled us to dig up the offending hydrant and identify the issue. It took a few days, but along with my dad and one of our farm crew we were able to dig, bale out the water and repair the connection. 
By that time our warm temperatures had started to drop and our excavated dirt was starting to freeze. We "sort of" got the hole refilled and then covered the area with straw mulch to protect the water line until the weather and ground warm up again and we can tamp everything down appropriately. It's going to be one heck of a muddy mess when things thaw out!

Despite some crop losses due to the extreme cold, VegEmail forges on ahead. The next delivery is Tuesday, February 25. Here's the current order form in case you missed it: Order Here! (Orders close Sunday at 10pm)
VegEmail deliveries continue every two weeks until May. Here's the schedule for the next 3 months (the order forms will go out 6 days before each delivery):

On May 3, we will return to our summer schedule of weekly Saturday deliveries. If you aren't receiving the VegEmail order form and you would like to, just fill out the form here: VegEmail Sign Up

CSA 2025: BGF Bounty Boxes!
This week is National CSA Week!  Our Bounty Box memberships are filling up fast so now's the perfect time to consider if a CSA/Farm membership is right for you. You can get the details on our website here:
 If you have already decided and are ready to sign up, click here: 2025 Bounty Box Sign Up .

Finally, we had another sad parting on the farm this month. After losing our Xander cat at the end of December, in January we said farewell to Abi our alpaca mama. She was 21-1/2 years old, which is elderly by alpaca standards, so not unexpected, but very sad nonetheless. We already miss her sweet personality and her love of all snacks.

Is a monthly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.
That's about it for now. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

BGF NEWS - January, 2025 - VOL. 54, NO. 4

What’s up on the farm?

Precipitation in the past month: Rain: 0.80"
                                                                  Snow: 1.50"

Happy New Year from all of us at Blue Gate Farm! We hope the year has started off on its best foot for you! 

We are super excited because 2025 is the 20th Anniversary year for the farm. It's hard to believe all that has passed since we arrived from Texas as idealistic theatre professionals and clueless, wannabe farmers on my family's land in southern Iowa. Oh, the lessons we've learned, the crops that we've raised, the people we've met and fed! It's a bit mind-boggling, really. Much of this year will be a study in looking back over what has passed and planning what is to come (and maybe a bit of celebrating!) 

So how are we kicking off our 20th year? We want to hear from our most important resource, YOU! We want to know what you think, so locals, keep an eye on your email in the next week, we're sending you a SHORT (4 minute) survey to learn how we can best serve you going forward.

OK, enough celebrating and looking ahead, what have we been up to in the past month?
We spent Christmas on the farm celebrating with family here, then headed west to Colorado to spend 12th Night/Epiphany (epifanny) with Sean's family. It was a lovely trip with good weather (including one beautiful snowfall), fun visits and an amazing amount of good food. Huge thanks to our crew for taking care of the farm while we were gone, what a luxury!

As soon as we returned from Colorado, it was time for Jill to head to the Practical Farmer's of Iowa conference. This is an annual highlight where we learn about new crops and techniques, consider new opportunities, visit with friends, old and new and just generally get ourselves ramped up for the coming season. This year we were most interested to learn about Lean organizations and how we might use those systems on our farm.

Since returning from the conference, the big push has been getting the seed inventory completed and placing all the seed orders for the season. This is often a daunting task that requires a lot of messing about with spreadsheets and about 15 tabs open on the computer, but as of writing this, the tasks are complete and the seeds are starting to head our way.

And now we are on to the next adventures!

VegEmail deliveries return on January 28. Here's the schedule for the next 4 months (the order forms will go out 6 days before each delivery):

On May 3, we will return to our summer schedule of weekly Saturday deliveries. If you aren't receiving the VegEmail order form and you would like to, just fill out the form here: VegEmail Sign Up

CSA 2025: BGF Bounty Boxes!
Veteran CSA members have just 2 weeks to reserve your spot for the BGF Bounty Box season. On February 1 we will open any remaining spots to our waiting list. So don't dally, lock in your 20 week membership for a box full of the best chemical-free produce that the farm has to offer. If you are a CSA veteran and didn't get a sign-up email, check your spam folder. If you still don't find it, you can use the link here: 2025 Bounty Box Sign Up .
If you want to get on our waiting list now, shoot us an email at:

And finally, the end of 2024 brought an unexpected farewell on the farm. After a very short illness we learned that our favorite tuxedo cat, Xander, was suffering from advanced kidney disease and needed to be released from his pain. He was not quite three years old so it was a very sad surprise. His friendly personality, fabulous cuddling and varmint hunting skills are already deeply missed.

Is a monthly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.
That's about it for now. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

Sunday, December 22, 2024

BGF NEWS - December, 2024 - VOL. 54, NO. 3

What’s up on the farm?

Precipitation in the past month: Rain/ICE: 0.50"
                                                   Snow: 2.50"

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from all of us at BGF! We hope your holiday season is filled with a bounty of delicious foods and time with your favorite people.  

So what have we been up to in the past month?
Many tasks will sound familiar, harvesting, clearing spent crops managing row covers, but no planting this round!

We finally got the last of the fabric mulch and irrigation out of the field just before it got really cold, whew! We also cleared all of the field row cover and hardware since the 8° low on December 5th finished off the field crops. We were hoping to get at least one more harvest from the field, but it just wasn't in the forecast this year.
The high tunnel crops are coming along slowly but surely. 
From now until mid-February, there isn't enough daylight for them to put on much growth, but about Valentine's Day they will take off again. Between now and then we will continue to harvest anything of useful size. This is our favorite time of the year for celebrating the dark, leafy greens. They are so sweet and crisp, truly at their very best flavor. I just snack on them like potato chips. They are really the star of our winter VegEmail sales, alongside the cold-weather carrots. Both of those things were very popular at our December 17 delivery. A special thank you to everyone who ordered, it was our biggest sale of the year!
Harvesting and packing for our final delivery of 2024

The day after our final delivery, we hosted our annual year-end celebration with the farm crew. This is a dual-purpose event when we talk over the past season and make notes on our successes and areas where we can improve. Everything from tools, to processes to snacks are open for discussion. After the meeting we shared a fun "thanks for all your hard work" lunch and a fancy little ice cream buffet to wrap up the year. You can probably guess what we had for lunch, given that the crew is eating their ice cream with chopsticks! We also had a similar meeting with our fall crew ladies at an area coffee shop, but neglected to get any photos of that gathering. HUGE thanks to all our crew members, volunteers, friends and family who helped out with the hard work on the farm this year!

Now that our 2024 deliveries are done we are taking a month off (for the first time in more than 15 years). We look forward to spending the time with family and then diving into the marketing, organizing and seed starting for the coming season. 
VegEmail deliveries return on January 28. Here's the schedule for the next 4 months (the order forms will go out 6 days before each delivery):

On May 3, we will return to our summer schedule of weekly Saturday deliveries. If you aren't receiving the VegEmail order form and you would like to, just fill out the form here: VegEmail Sign Up

CSA 2025: BGF Bounty Boxes!
It's time to reserve your spot for the BGF Bounty Box season. Lock in your 20 week membership for a box full of the best chemical-free produce that the farm has to offer. CSA members from the 2024 season can sign up now! If you are a CSA veteran and didn't get a sign-up email, check your spam folder. If you still don't find it, email us for a replacement. On February 1 we will open any remaining spots to our waiting list. So keep your eyes open for more BGF Bounty Box details to come and if you want to get on our waiting list now, shoot us an email at:

As we look back on this past season, we are thankful for the privilege of living here on this beautiful farm, raising tasty, healthful produce alongside our family and fabulous farm crew. We couldn't do it without our amazing family, customers, members and community supporters. Thank you for being an important part of the Blue Gate Farm Family. We wish you a most merry (and delicious) season ahead! 

Is a monthly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.

That's about it for now. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

Friday, November 29, 2024

BGF NEWS - November, 2024 - VOL. 54, NO. 2

We hope your Thanksgiving was filled with a bounty of delicious foods and time with your favorite people.  We are thankful for the time to slow down a bit. Not that a farm ever really rests, but November is usually when the pace on the farm starts to ease. The rush of the main planting and growing season is done, most of the crops are out of the fields and the farm crew is on limited hours.

So what have we been up to in the past month?
Harvesting! This includes carrots, turnips, radishes and daikon. This makes for some very long harvest days as they all have to be washed and topped (greens removed) before going into the cooler. But once that work is done, it is such a delight to have them all ready to be bagged up for orders. Happily, we were able to get most of this done before the bitter cold temps hit so these crops are all tucked into the walk-in cooler for the winter VegEmail season.

Clearing spent crops! Always a big job in the fall. All the plant matter goes to one of our composting piles. 
Then all the trellises, support posts and fabric mulch have to be cleared and stored. Irrigation system parts are all rolled up, labeled and stored as well. These tend to be messy and sometimes wet tasks that no one particularly enjoys.

Planting Garlic! Usually the single biggest fall task is planting the garlic crop for next year. All of the heads are broken into cloves and each clove is hand planted. This year we planted about 130 pounds of seed garlic, which translates to about 3500 cloves. Then once the cloves are set, they are all covered with soil and the whole plot is mulched with straw. 
This year we were later than usual getting the garlic in and most of our crew was already off for the season. We were SO lucky to have them return for an afternoon (along with their siblings) to help us with the big garlic push ahead of the really cold weather. It is a huge project and we are so very thankful for all their hard work!

Fabric on/Fabric off! The high tunnel crops are growing along nicely and we've just started harvesting those crops. Our plan is to be able to selectively harvest from those plants through next spring. Because our tunnels are unheated, the crops get a nightly "tucking-in" when the temps drop below 20°.

Shelling! The popcorn crop was looking pretty good as we harvested it earlier this fall. It's been drying since we brought it in and just this week we finished shelling the last of it! A bit less than last year's record-breaking yield, but we're still very pleased with the outcome. 

And a bit of fiber fun to come! This is also the time of year when we start focusing more on our fiber products. There's lots of fiber and yarn to dye and much spinning to be done, not to mention our new passion in eco-printing silk scarves and other fabrics!  Just a reminder that we offer our U-Pick Yarn sales on the first VegEmail delivery each month in Des Moines. So locals can stop in a peruse our full fiber inventory. Folks who have yarn interests but aren't in DM can contact us directly for other options and we are happy to ship any of our fiber products.

VegEmail deliveries have now switched over to our winter schedule of every other Tuesday in Des Moines at SingleSpeed Brewing Co. and in Knoxville at the Grand Theater
Our next delivery is Tuesday, 12/3.  Order here before Sunday at 10pm.
We will continue to do these sales every two weeks until the first of May. However for the first time in more than 15 years, we are taking a month off of deliveries this winter. Here's the schedule for the coming months:
VegEmail Delivery Dates (the order forms will go out 6 days before each delivery.)

If you aren't receiving the VegEmail order form and you would like to, just fill out the form here: VegEmail Sign Up

CSA 2025: BGF Bounty Boxes!
We announced last month that in honor of our 20th Anniversary in 2025, we are rebranding our CSA into the BGF Bounty Box. It will still feature 20 weeks of all the high quality, chemical-free produce that our members expect, just with a fresh new name! We have already started getting questions about sign ups for next season. CSA members from the 2024 season can start signing up in early December (watch your email!) In January we will open any remaining spots to our waiting list. So keep your eyes open for more BGF Bounty Box details to come next month and if you want to get on our waiting list now, shoot us an email to

All the activities and craziness aside, we are thankful for the privilege of living here on this beautiful farm, raising tasty, healthful produce alongside our family and fabulous farm crew. We couldn't do it without our amazing family, customers, members and community supporters. So we are thankful for you! 

Is a monthly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.

That's about it for now. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

BGF NEWS - October, 2024 - VOL. 54, NO. 1

What’s up on the farm?

Precipitation in the past month: Rain: 0.3"

Welcome to our October newsletter. We'll publish these once a month until the start of the CSA season in early June. Our goal is to give our members, customers and friends a quick peek into our world on the "back-side" of the seasonal farm calendar. So grab a tasty beverage, sit back and join us for a little tour of the farm this month.

We had a couple of big harvests this month, the biggest of which was getting the popcorn in. Despite quite a bit of the plants being blown down in various wind events over the growing season it looks to be a pretty good harvest. The ears are now all crated up and under cover to finish drying. I suspect they will be ready to shell in the next week or so. This is one of my favorite crops that we grow and being the popcorn snob that I am, I think it's pretty tasty stuff.

The second big season-end harvest is the dahlias. We significantly expanded our dahlia crop this year and it made for a heck of a lot of digging this week. The tubers are now all out of the field, washed and we have started on dividing the tuber clumps. Then each individual tuber is labeled and stored in boxes of vermiculite in our walk-in cooler for the winter. It's a good thing that the blooms give us so much joy during the growing season because they are a LOT of work in the fall!
Not nearly as much fun as harvesting crops, once they are done we have to clear all the spent plant material from the beds. We're about half way through the bed clean-up. It takes quite a bit of time as any beds with fabric mulch have to be cleared by hand. Some of the bigger beds without fabric can just be mowed down, which goes much faster.

Not all of our crops are done for the year. We still have a full slate of fall crops in the field. These are all cold-hardy crops like leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli and root crops like carrots. These crops we protect with fabric row cover to keep them from freezing in low temperatures. Many years we can harvest from these beds into December if the weather cooperates. The wind makes this method of season extension more challenging but we've developed a system that mostly works well for us. Earlier this month I decided to take a photo of the row covered beds during the full moon. I was delighted to discover when I looked at the photos later that night that I had also captured the comet over the tops of the trees! Thank you nature for inspiring surprises!

We also have a large number of crops growing in the high tunnels. These are the crops that we will be harvesting throughout the winter. As the weather gets colder we will add fabric row cover to each bed to give them even more protection. The row cover makes harvesting more tedious and time consuming, but without them both in the field and in the tunnels, we wouldn't be able to deliver fresh produce year round.

VegEmail deliveries have now switched over to our winter schedule of every other Tuesday in Des Moines at SingleSpeed Brewing, in Knoxville at the Grand Theater or on farm. We will continue to do these sales every two weeks until the first of May. Our next delivery is Tuesday, 11/5 and the order form will go out on 10/30 at 5pm. If you aren't receiving the VegEmail order form and you would like to, just fill out the form here: VegEmail Sign Up

CSA 2025: Big Announcement!
We are excited to announce that in honor of our 20th Anniversary in 2025, we are rebranding our CSA program. Introducing the BGF Bounty Box! Never fear, CSA veterans, the program itself isn't changing, we are still committed to 20 weeks of high quality, chemical-free food you can feel good about. We simply want the name to better reflect the expectations and experience for our members. 
Sign up for the 2025 season will open first to our veteran members in early December, with any remaining spots made available to the public in the New Year. Keep an eye on your email for more details to come. If you haven't been a CSA member before and are interested in joining us for the 2025 season just email us and we'll add you to the waiting list.

All the activities and craziness aside, we are thankful for the privilege of living here on this beautiful farm, raising tasty, healthful produce alongside our fabulous farm crew. We couldn't do it without our amazing family, customers, members and community supporters. So we are thankful for you! 

Is a monthly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.

That's about it for now. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

BGF NEWS - October 15 , 2024 - VOL. 53, NO. 20

In this week’s box:

Celery: Chinese Pink
Chard: Rainbow
Cherry Tomatoes: Jubilee Mix
Head Lettuce: Asst.
Peppers: Asst. sweet (see 8/13 newsletter for descriptions)
Potatoes: Kennebec
Tomatoes: slicers (see 7/30 newsletter for descriptions)

Herb It! option: Cardinal Basil, Lemongrass, Rosemary

Featured Recipes:

What’s up on the farm?

Precipitation in the past week: 0.00

Just a reminder, this is the final delivery of the season.

Well, I knew it was coming, but it still sneaks up on me every year. This is indeed the final delivery of the 2024 CSA season! Twenty weeks have come and gone and a LOT of produce has passed between us during that time. Thank you for joining us on this veggie adventure, we couldn't do it without you! And remember, this isn't farewell for the year, we hope to see you at the bi-weekly VegEmail deliveries throughout the winter and spring (see the Upcoming Dates list at the end of the newsletter).

As you can see from the recipe list, the farmHer has decided it is SOUP SEASON! The 36° start to the day today really brought it home. Besides tomato season, soup season is my favorite food time of the year. The falling temperatures really set the stage for hearty soups and other comfort foods. I love putting roselle greens in my potato soup, it's very reminiscent of French Potato Soup, which features the similarly flavored sorrel. So when I saw the recipe for potato soup with roselle and lemongrass, I just had to share it. 
Final roselle harvest
Roselle is one of the crops that I am passionate about and I love to share it with our members and customers. We pushed to get one final harvest of it in this week before we lose it to the cold. 
Oh, and going back to the potatoes, please excuse their unfortunate appearance. They are perfectly good to eat, they're just ugly. It's extra depressing after last year's beautiful potato crop but all we can do it work through what we have and look forward to a better crop next season. 

Last week we started installing the row cover for fall crops in the field. If you aren't familiar, row cover is BIG pieces of fabric that we use to protect our fall field crops as the temperatures start to drop to damaging levels. We got the majority of the remaining fall crops covered Monday and are hoping to have a bit of time on Tuesday after harvesting to finish things up before the real cold hits on Wed morning.

The freeze forecast for mid week will set the stage for big changes on the farm. Next week we'll clear the tomatoes (big job!) and the rest of the warm-season crops. Once that is done we'll prep garlic for planting and then plant and mulch it for next year's crop. Getting the garlic planted is one of our biggest tasks of the season.

Another big shift will happen at the start of November when VegEmail moves to deliveries every other Tuesday evening. In DM we're at SingleSpeed Brewing Co and in Knoxville we are at the Grand Theater. Another shift you'll see in November will be our monthly newsletters throughout the winter to keep you up on all the fun news from the farm. 

In December, we'll kick off the sign up for next season's CSA. As our veteran members, you have the priority for available membership spots. We won't open any remaining CSA spots  to the public until mid to late January. So watch your email in December for those announcements.

Finally, we want to thank you again for being such a huge part of the Blue Gate Farm family. The CSA is truly the foundation of our farm and we want to be sure you know how important you are to us. The dedication you show by investing in the season upfront and then showing up for 20 weeks is awe inspiring! We love knowing that we're helping to feed you and your families and that you trust us to do so.
If you have friends, family members, coworkers, (whoever!) whom you think might be interested in the CSA or VegEmail, we'd be so thankful if you'd share our information with them. It takes a BIG community to support a farm and you are our best ambassadors!

If you ever have questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to let us know! See you soon!

Upcoming Dates to Note:

Tues, Oct. 15: Final CSA delivery
Sat, Oct. 26: Final Saturday VegEmail delivery
Tues, Nov. 5: Fall VegEmail schedule begins, delivery every 2 weeks on Tuesdays 4-6pm.

A little detail on your produce this week:

Basil hates the cold and will turn black with exposure. Keep long stemmed basil in a glass/vase of water on your counter top (out of direct sunlight ). Stems that are too short (trimmings/tops) should be placed in a glass or plastic container with a dry paper towel. Then put inside of a paper bag (for insulation) and put in the warmest part of your refrigerator (usually the door) or on the top shelf towards the front.

Celery: Store upright in a glass of water, loosely covered with a plastic bag, in the refrigerator. 

Herbs: Generally, except for basil, set unwashed bunches of fresh herbs (with stems) upright into small jars filled with 1 to 2 inches of water, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for up to two weeks. Rinse fresh herbs right before use. To release their scents and flavors, rub them between your hands before mincing or chopping. If you have no idea what to do with fresh herbs, there is one great default answer "compound butter." Finely mince leaves and knead them into a stick of room temperature butter. Roll the butter into a log in plastic wrap and store in the freezer. Then simply slice off the amount you need to add delicious, ready-to-use flavor to vegetables, bread or meats.

Peppers:  Place whole, unwashed peppers in a plastic bag, seal, and refrigerate for a week or more. Rinse peppers just before use. For sweet peppers, cut around the stem with a small knife and lift out the core. Slice down the side to open it up and then cut out the inner membranes. Store unused portions in a sealed bag or container in the refrigerator.

Potatoes: Keep unwashed potatoes in a cool, dark, dry place, such as a loosely closed paper bag in a cupboard. They will keep for weeks at room temperature, longer if you can provide their ideal temperature of 40 to 50 degrees. Beware: the low temperature of your refrigerator will convert the starch to sugars. So refrigerated potatoes should be brought to room temperature for at least 24 hours before using. Moisture causes potatoes to spoil, light turns them green, and proximity to onions causes them to sprout. (You can still use a potato that has sprouted, however; simply cut off the “eyes” before use.) Scrub potatoes well and cut off any sprouts or green skin. (Clean delicate new potatoes gently.) Peeling is a matter of preference. Cut potatoes according to your recipe. If baking a whole potato, be sure to prick the skin in at least a few places to allow steam to escape.

Roselle: For space saving, strip leaves and calyxes from stems. Discard stems. Store leaves in a cloth or paper towel-lined plastic bag in the produce drawer of your refrigerator and use within a week. Store calyxes in a glass or plastic container. Greens can be used fresh or cooked alone or with a combination of other greens. Can be a replacement for French sorrel. To use calyxes, remove soft, red outer portion and reserve. Can be used fresh or cooked in place of cherries or cranberries. Discard large seed in the center.

Tomatoes: always store whole tomatoes at room temperature, out of direct sunlight. Once cut, store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

A few other details: All of your GREENS will keep best if stored in a plastic bag, with the top folded over and placed in the produce drawer of your refrigerator.

** NOTE: You will notice over the course of the season that some box contents listed above say "Perhaps one of the following..." These are items that we can’t harvest in sufficient quantities for the whole CSA to receive at one time. We do track who gets what and we will do our best to ensure that everyone eventually receives each item. On some items this may take several weeks, so please be patient.

Is a weekly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes, photos or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.

That's about it for now.
If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)