Saturday, February 12, 2022

BGF NEWS - February 2022 - VOL. XLVII, NO. 4


Weather in the past month:  Snow: 9.0"

                                                     High temp: 53° (2/8/21)
                                                     Low Temp: -6° (1/26/22)

The days are definitely getting longer and the deep cold spells don't seem to last as long. Even though there is plenty of winter left, the air and light feel different and the bird song in the morning has changed. I guess that means spring is truly on its way. 

The late winter activities are in full swing. Conferences have been attended, supplies are being acquired and most of the seeds have been delivered. Plus a few books have been read for pure entertainment :)

Loaded germination chamber
The first week in February is the traditional start of the seeding season for us and so far we are on schedule! To date we've started all of the allium crops (onions, shallots, leeks and scallions), a few early flowers & herbs and the early greens for the high tunnels.
Tubs of freshly sown allium crops

Shelling popcorn

We also took advantage of a warm day a couple of weeks ago and got all of the 2021 popcorn crop shelled. We prefer to let it do most of it's drying while on the ear, and we finally had the right conditions to run it through the sheller. It was perfect timing as we are just about to the end of our 2020 popcorn stock.

Harvesting continues for our VegEmail deliveries and we really enjoy seeing our customers, members and friends on those Tuesday evenings! The sales this year have gone so well that we are sold out of many of our storage crops, but our high tunnel crops are starting to put on more growth again so we should have additional fresh greens to offer in the coming weeks, plus potatoes and turnips! And speaking of fresh, local produce...

CSA 2022:
Veteran member sign up has concluded and we have sent invitations to folks on our waiting list. If you were a CSA member in 2021 and you haven't signed up, but want to, let us know ASAP! Huge thanks to those of you who have already responded and an additional farm-fresh round of applause to those who have already paid (that helps us cover all those new seeds!) If you were on our waiting list and haven't received an invitation, be sure to let us know or if you are interesting in joining us as a new member this season,  email us at

Also for the upcoming season...
We are looking for one full-time and possibly a part-time employee to join the Farm Crew. Do you know someone who might be interested in spending a season outdoors in a beautiful setting, working with great people, eating great food and getting lots of physical exercise? Is it you?? A son or daughter, niece, neighbor or friend? Send them our way ASAP, we'd love to talk to them about the possibilities!

And finally, we have some sad news to share. We bade farewell to our Indigo at the end of January. It was an unexpected goodbye and we miss his steadfast companionship every day. Run well, buddy!

That's about it from us this month. Thank you for making it all the way to the end of the newsletter and for joining us on our farming adventures. It is such a privilege to live in this beautiful place and to raise safe, healthy food for so many amazing people.  

Is a monthly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.

If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

Luci & Sky