Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Candlemas

Really I should have said, happy belated Candlemas, because yesterday was the actual date. According to the Old Farmers Almanac,
Candlemas was originally a Celtic festival celebrating the fact that the days were getting longer and spring was not far off.
Well I am all for celebrating that! The past few days could have made one believe that spring is actually on its way. Bring it on!

Actually, I am getting a little ahead of myself. I am on my way out to clear the last of the spinach out of the high tunnel and once that is done, I need several days of good cold temps to freeze the top soil layer. This kills off the aphids and some of the fungi that can build up in a high tunnel. So a little scheduled freezing is a good thing. Then I will be all ready to sow the beds in March for the early farmers market.

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