Sunday, March 17, 2024

BGF NEWS - March 2024 - VOL. 51, NO. 5

What’s up on the farm?

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Greetings from the farm!
While the calendar says spring doesn't start for another few days, the weather for the past month would say differently. The plants, not being able to read a calendar are taking their cue from Mother Nature! We are seeing plants and returning birds running 3-4 weeks ahead of average. The grass is greening, the trees are budded and the bush cherries are blooming! The garlic is 6-8" tall, and some of the rhubarb is nearing 12". 


While the early warmth feels good, it continues to make me really nervous. There is still plenty of time for winter weather, in fact it's forecast to be 18° tonight! All that tender new plant growth is really susceptible to damage from temps that low. So we're crossing our fingers and spreading some extra mulch where we can to protect select plants. 

In the past couple of weeks we've cleared the spent high tunnel crops, amended the beds for the new season and sown & transplanted the first of the spring crops. Planted so far: peas, head lettuce, chard, kale, choi, salad mix, arugula and tatsoi. This week we'll add a couple more successions of salad mix and arugula. 

Things in the transplant nursery are starting to get serious too! We're on schedule so far with sowings of our field crops including: head lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, collards, cauliflower, chard, kale, assorted flowers, fennel, eggplant, roselle and peppers. Within the next few days, the alliums and other more cold-hardy crops that were sown last month are going to get kicked out to the small high tunnel to start hardening off, as they are taking up valuable space inside that is needed by the up and coming warm-weather crops. The spring rush is definitely on!

One of our exciting developments this spring includes the start of a new 2,100 square foot insectary strip in our El Sur plot.

Earlier this month we prepped the bed and sowed a seed mix that is formulated to attract and support pollinators and other beneficial insects. While we have a fair amount of native and natural areas throughout the farm, it's important to us to ensure that we provide a habitat for the populations of beneficial insects and invertebrates that call our farm home. We depend on their services much as we do our farm crew, so we are trying to be better stewards of the littlest workers on the farm.

Another new development we've been working on is shooting more videos of activities on the farm. So far we've published reels of field and bed prep, seeding transplant flats, and potting up plants, not to mention a quick clip of one of our least favorite pests! 
If you aren't already following us on social media, we invite you to join us there and get a little "backstage" view of the farm. You can find us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh

A less exciting development recently was a wildfire here on the farm. We'll start by saying that all the residents (2 & 4-footed), buildings and gardens are fine. The fire started when high winds reignited a neighbor's controlled burn from the previous day. Luckily it was spotted by another neighbor who let us know. We spent the rest of the day, along with our fabulous volunteer fire department fighting the fire. 
By dark, it was largely out, though we spent the next two days continuing to put out hot spots. All told, the fire burned about 8 acres of ground including timber, prairie and hay ground. It could have been so much worse and would have been without our local firefighters. We are SO dry here, as is most of the state that it is a scary time to be burning anything. 

Time is running out to sign up is for the 2024 CSA (farm share) season! We have filled about 2/3 of our memberships already, so secure your spot now and lock in a full season of fresh produce for your family! We have availability at our Des Moines, Knoxville and on farm pick up locations. You can read more about the CSA and sign up here: 2024 CSA Info and Sign Up
If you have questions about CSA membership, don't hesitate to message us here .

We are  partnering with our friends from Farmyard Fancies for a CSA Bread Share option again this year and in Des Moines, Ebersole Cattle Co hopes to offer a monthly Egg Share in conjunction with the CSA if there is enough demand. If you are a Des Moines CSA member and are interested in getting eggs with your produce share, please email:

VegEmail deliveries continue on the winter schedule of every other Tuesday in Des Moines at Peace Tree-Des Moines Branch and in Knoxville at the Grand Theater. The next order form goes out Wed 3/20 for pick up Tuesday 3/26, so keep your eye on your inbox. We will continue to do these sales every two weeks until the first of May as long as the weather allows. In May, we will change to our summer schedule of weekly Saturday deliveries. If you aren't receiving the VegEmail order form and you would like to, just fill out the form here: VegEmail Sign Up

Is a monthly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.

That's about it for now. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

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