Tuesday, September 24, 2024

BGF NEWS - September 24 , 2024 - VOL. 53, NO. 17

In this week’s box:

Beans: Yellow & Green Mix
Carrots: Rainbow Mix
Cherry Tomatoes: Jubilee Mix
Kale: asst.
Peppers: Asst. sweet (see 8/13 newsletter for descriptions)
Roselle-greens and "fruits"
Shallots: Asst.
Tomatoes: slicers (see 7/30 newsletter for descriptions)

and perhaps one of the following: (see **NOTE below)
Broccoli Florets: Imperial
Cauliflower: Twister
Cucumbers: Generally, Marketmore, Dragon or Lemon (yellow, round)
Eggplant: Asian Delight, or Listada
Okra: Candle Fire, Bowling Red & Okinawa Pink

Herb It! option: Sweet Basil, Lemon Balm & Oregano

Featured Recipes:

Oven Roasted Carrots and Kale (use shallots in place of onion)
Shallot Vinaigrette **see recipe below**

What’s up on the farm?

Precipitation in the past week: 1.70

Welcome Fall,  rain and cooler temperatures! 
This is the weather we've been waiting for and I'm not sure who was more happy to see it, the farmers, the fall crops or the 4-leggers. We missed the rain on Friday but Saturday night more than made up for it with a delightful 1.7".  It was perfect timing as last week we sowed seeds for the final salad mix and arugula in the field plots. Already on Monday we could see some of the seeds were germinating. The dry weather did let us catch up on cultivating all the fall crops, so everything was truly ready for a good soaking.

This week brought another round of fall farewells, as we've done our final harvests of cucumbers, eggplants and beans. The high tunnel cukes and eggplants have been cleared along with the peppers and we even removed the cucumber trellises from both tunnels in preparation for getting the final fall transplants and sown crops into the tunnels later this week. We haven't yet cleared the field beans, eggplants or cukes, but they are done for the season and we'll clear them out next.

The cherry tomatoes also finished up this week though the mini romas are continuing to ripen pretty well. The slicing tomatoes have slowed way down, though we will probably continue to harvest a bit from them before they are officially done. The season changes are definitely starting to come faster now.

Upcoming Dates to Note:

Tues, Oct. 15: Final CSA delivery
Sat, Oct. 26: Final Saturday VegEmail delivery
Tues, Nov. 5: Fall VegEmail schedule begins, delivery every 2 weeks on Tuesdays 4-6pm.

A little detail on your produce this week:

Basil hates the cold and will turn black with exposure. Keep long stemmed basil in a glass/vase of water on your counter top (out of direct sunlight ). Stems that are too short (trimmings/tops) should be placed in a glass or plastic container with a dry paper towel. Then put inside of a paper bag (for insulation) and put in the warmest part of your refrigerator (usually the door) or on the top shelf towards the front.

Beans: Fresh beans are an easy "store." Just leave them in their plastic bag and keep them in the produce drawer. Can last up to 2 weeks.

Broccoli/Cauliflower: Wrap loosely in a plastic bag and keep it in the vegetable bin of your refrigerator for up to a week. Immediately before cooking, soak head down, in cold, salted water (1 teaspoon salt to a 8 cups of water) for 5 minutes. Any [organic] critters will float to the top where you can rescue them or allow them to suffer a salty death. (Note: If soaked in salt water before storing, it will become too rubbery and wilted to enjoy.) Slice the juicy, edible stems and use them wherever florets are called for. Peel particularly thick skin before using.

Carrots: These "mid-season" carrots are a little different than the candy-sweet gems of late-season/winter carrots. They are a little more strongly flavored, a little earthy. This makes them perfect for cooking and more complicated recipes, as some might not love them for fresh eating. Remove the leafy green tops, leaving about an inch of stems. Refrigerate dry, unwashed carrots in a plastic bag for two weeks or longer. Peel carrots or scrub carrots well with a stiff brush just before using. Trim off any green spots, which can taste bitter. When slicing or chopping carrots for cooking, be sure to make all the pieces relatively the same size; this will ensure an evenly cooked dish.

Cucumber: Store unwashed cucumbers in a sealed plastic bag in the vegetable crisper bin for about a week. Keep cucumbers tucked far away from tomatoes, apples, and citrus—these give off ethylene gas that accelerates cucumber deterioration. You can do a lot of fancy things to the skin of a cucumber, but when it is young, fresh (and unwaxed), it really only needs to be thoroughly washed. However, if the skin seems tough or bitter you can remove it; if the seeds are bulky, slice the cucumber lengthwise and scoop them out.

Eggplant: Eggplant prefers to be kept at about 50° F, which is warmer than most refrigerators and cooler than most kitchen counters.  Wrap unwashed eggplant in a towel (not in plastic) to absorb any moisture and keep it in the vegetable bin of your refrigerator.  Used within a week, it should still be fresh and mild.

Many people like to peel, salt, and drain their eggplant to draw out any bitter flavor; however, bitterness develops only in eggplant that has been stored for a while, so with farm-fresh specimens this is generally not necessary.  Many recipes call for salting in order to make the vegetable less watery and more absorbent—much like draining tofu.  Salting is not an essential step, but it can greatly enhance the taste and texture of your dish and is well worth the extra effort.  The shape of an eggplant determines how it is best prepared.  Slice a straight, narrow eggplant into rounds for grilling or broiling, and cut a rounded, bulbous eggplant into cubes for stews and stir-fries.

Garlic, Onions & Shallots: Fully cured garlic and onions don't require refrigeration. For longest storage, keep in a dark place with good airflow. Once cut, store in the refrigerator. Green top alliums (scallions, shallots, garlic and onions) should be stored in the refrigerator, upright in a glass with a bit of water or wrapped in plastic in your produce drawer.

Herbs: Generally, except for basil, set unwashed bunches of fresh herbs (with stems) upright into small jars filled with 1 to 2 inches of water, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for up to two weeks. Rinse fresh herbs right before use. To release their scents and flavors, rub them between your hands before mincing or chopping. If you have no idea what to do with fresh herbs, there is one great default answer "compound butter." Finely mince leaves and knead them into a stick of room temperature butter. Roll the butter into a log in plastic wrap and store in the freezer. Then simply slice off the amount you need to add delicious, ready-to-use flavor to vegetables, bread or meats.

Okra: These lovely, horn-shaped vegetables are a warm weather treat. Extremely cold sensitive, wrap with a dishcloth or paper towel and store in their plastic bag in the warmest part of your fridge, or place the plastic bag in a small paper sack and store in the crisper drawer and use within the week. Traditional southerners will cut into rounds, bread in cornmeal and fry, but our favorite version is our dear friend Annie's method, "All I do is rinse off the pods and lay them in a saucepan with a little water in the bottom. Ten to fifteen minutes is all it takes...twenty if the pods are really big and "woody" feeling. I put salt on them and eat as finger food. It reminds me of young sweet corn."

Peppers:  Place whole, unwashed peppers in a plastic bag, seal, and refrigerate for a week or more. Rinse peppers just before use. For sweet peppers, cut around the stem with a small knife and lift out the core. Slice down the side to open it up and then cut out the inner membranes. Store unused portions in a sealed bag or container in the refrigerator.

Roselle: Store in a cloth or paper-lined plastic bag in the produce drawer of your refrigerator and use within a week. When using the calyxes (fruits)be  sure to remove the white seed pod from the inside and only eat the tender red parts.

Tomatoes: always store whole tomatoes at room temperature, out of direct sunlight. Once cut, store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

A few other details: All of your GREENS will keep best if stored in a plastic bag, with the top folded over and placed in the produce drawer of your refrigerator.

** NOTE: You will notice over the course of the season that some box contents listed above say "Perhaps one of the following..." These are items that we can’t harvest in sufficient quantities for the whole CSA to receive at one time. We do track who gets what and we will do our best to ensure that everyone eventually receives each item. On some items this may take several weeks, so please be patient.

Is a weekly newsletter not enough for you? Do you want to read more about our life on the farm and see more pictures? Follow us on Facebook at Blue Gate Farm or on Instagram at bluegatefarmfresh. CSA members can also connect with other BGF members to share recipes, photos or ask questions on our FB community page at Blue Gate Farm Community.

That's about it for now.
If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.
Best from the farm,
Jill & Sean (and the whole BGF crew)

Shallot Vinaigrette

1/4 cup finely chopped shallot
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil (preferably French) or safflower oil

Recipe Source: unknown

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